






We are working on teaching and teaching collaboration between the University of Hawai'i

We are working on teaching and teaching collaboration between the University of Hawai’i, which had been interacting since three years ago. In December of last year we also signed a contract, work to send the extraction method report and extracted substances from February over 6 months Consignment. At the research institute in Hawaii, while pursuing physiological activity research, he was looking for a laboratory with technology of high purification using liquid chromatography by J.I Science, it was introduced from the professor of the University of Hawaii and consulted. (Last year, professor Q .Li visited J.I Science Laboratory in Matsuyama City) Under the introduction of Professor Q.Li, I negotiated a research consignment work and exchanged a contract in January last year. J.I Science started refining using recycled preparative chromatograph equipment held in-house from January. Provide reports and refined products after 6 months of research. J.I said that the significance of this research will be I would like to appeal the research and development institutions worldwide to further purification technologies that are attracting attention from research institutes from foreign countries

〒790-0045 愛媛県松山市余戸中1丁目2-5号 電話・FAX 089-908-9718 Mail chromatograph.ji@silk.plala.or.jp