






Director of J-I-Science chemical Institute conducts a workshop at National Hue University in Vietnam

The head of the research institute of J I Science Lab was invited to give a formal chromatographic lecture from the National University of Hue in Vietnam, and a 3-day workshop was held in mid-June using this opportunity.
Based on the lecture at this university, in collaboration with Japan Analytical Industry (Tokyo), we will start market development of chromatographs and related equipment in Vietnam. Currently, agents in Southeast Asia are in negotiations.

Participants in the lectures and workshops were mainly faculty members of the university’s Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Science, and other university faculty members. The contents of the lecture are (1) Chromatographic mechanism and effective utilization (2) Examples of using the latest recycling chromatography (manufactured by Nihon Analytical Industry) Separation and purification of active ingredients
During the lecture, the professor’s questions and temporary mini-lectures were also active. In general, Vietnamese researchers are enthusiastic.

〒790-0045 愛媛県松山市余戸中1丁目2-5号 電話・FAX 089-908-9718 Mail chromatograph.ji@silk.plala.or.jp